----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dep. Informatica" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Detect Spoofed Email Addresses
> With support for Sender Policy Framework (SPF) MDaemon can help defend
> against spoofed email addresses. "Spoofing" is when a sender attempts to
> mask his or her identity by making the message appear to be from someone
> else-a common tactic of spammers and virus creators. An effective emerging
> technology for detecting such addresses, SPF verifies the authenticity of
> the sender's FROM email address by DNS queries to see if the sending
> is authorized to send mail on behalf of that address. Based on the results
> of such queries, MDaemon can either reject the message or manipulate its
> Spam Filter score.
> And why not are this feature in IMAIL 8.12 ????

Maybe because the specification has not even been finalized yet nor has the
IETF adoption process been completed.


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