----- Original Message ----- 
From: "A. Clausen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > > My feeling is that MS
> > > trying to push Sender ID through is just an example of closing the
> > door
> > > after the cows have come home.
> >
> > A lot of people have fallen victim to this same misguided belief in the
> > past, and history has proven otherwise.  In this instance, we shall
> We through postgrey on to our Postfix box and saw spam and viruses drop by
> 75%.  If some of the big guys would close of port 25 to all but their MTAs
> suspect you would see a similar effect.  Perhaps that would mean that the
> hackers would step up attempts to root hack MTAs, but that should be
> substantially easier to deal with than 10 million people with compromised
> Windows boxes.

Wow, nice digression there...!  We run postgrey on our Postfix gateways, as
well.  But what does this have to do with your Microsoft SenderID comments?


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