Excuse the OT rant but I guess it puts tech support from Ipswitch into perspective.

Even with all the issues associated with calling Ipswitch tech support / customer service they are nowhere near as bad or unhelpful as the "fine" folks at Symantec (man I hate that company). This evening I have an urgent need to reinstall a copy of some software that I purchased from a company that has since been acquired by Symantec. The installer that I had originally downloaded is damaged and therefore unable to be installed. I have the original email that was sent containing my order #, customer # and serial #. I cheerfully provided all that information in the webform that Symantec wants you to use to obtain a "Priority Care" number to "help" expedite a support telephone call.

After nine telephone calls to eight different telephone numbers (and still having to verbally repeat my issue despite both punching in this "Priority Care" # into the phone as well as repeating it verbally for each call!) and talking to eight hapless CSR's (Alice, James, Judy, etc... Sure... That's their "real" name...) reading from scripts in some call center in India and two of their floor supervisors (with another surprising telephone call to some place here in the actual USofA somewhere in the middle of the nine other calls) I finally found my self back at the beginning of that journey talking to another CSR that again told me that I could not re-download the product that I already owned but that he would be happy to direct me to Symantec's on-line store to purchase a copy of the new version that they are selling.

I explained how unhelpful that was and arranged to then talk to the second floor supervisor of this most excellent adventure around the world. She too was unable to assist me in obtaining the support that I really needed but she was kind enough to say that she will ship me a "free" copy of the new version of the software on CD and that I should look for it in the next 7 to 14 days!

That's nice I guess but it certainly does not help me in the meantime.

Tech support like that makes the idea of visiting a dentist (or even a proctologist!) seem like a trip to Disneyland.

Anyone for a ride on the Teacups? I certainly feel like I made a trip through the looking glass!

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