
------------ listed in bl.spamcop.net (

If there are no reports of ongoing objectionable email from this system it will be delisted automatically in approximately 6 hours.
Causes of listing
  • SpamCop users have reported system as a source of spam less than 10 times in the past week
Automatic delisting
If you are the administrator of imo-d22.mx.aol.com and you are sure it will not be the subject of any more reports of spam, you may cause the system to be delisted without waiting for us to review the issue.

You may only do this once per IP! So please be sure that the problem is really and truly resolved. If you delist your system and we get more spam reports about it, you will not be allowed to expedite delisting again. Delisting normally occurs 24 hours after spam reports have ceased.

You must be able to receive mail at one of the addresses below. Until you have received and confirmed your request, it will not take effect.

Looking for potential administrative email addresses for
cannot find an mx for imo-d22.mx.aol.com
cannot find an mx for mx.aol.com is an mx ( 15 ) for aol.com
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