Looks like all the antivirus software in place updated after the infection had taken place. I run the Clam, F-prot and Trend updates at 6:30am every day. I guess I'll have to do it more than once a day now. But even scanning the infected systems with Trend Officescan didn't turn up anything. However, when I actually searched for the files in Windows Exporer, the real time scan picked them up. Trend used to be my rock, now I'm not so sure.


Doug Traylor wrote: is the lan address of the mail server. is a client on the lan. There are two other client machines
that appear to be doing all the sending. Trend does not detect any virus
on those systems.

I have No Mail Relay selected and SMTP auth is required. What'g going on

My guess is your client machine(s) is/are infected. Simply pull them off the lan and see if the problem goes away.

Try another desktop cleaner other than Trend.  They are very slow to
react to new viruses.  I use them for my gateway and I have had to
take extraordinary steps to block attachments due to Trend missing
them until they get an update out there.

I use Kaspersky to clean systems that are infected with a new virus. They seem to be by far the fastest to develop solutions to the new
viruses. They have a free trial for desktop computers.

Good luck,

Doug Traylor

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