Are you guys saying that it won’t update the virus definition file?


From what I understand with Symantec, when you don’t choose to upgrade you’re just penalized on not upgrading the AV engine but the virus definition updates are still occurring.  Did I get this wrong???




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matrosity Tech Support
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 2:40 PM
Subject: Re: [IMail Forum] Expiring AV - Mandatory upgrade to ICS


Why not just run imail with another AV?

Jason Loven wrote:

So anyone currently running the Symantec solution for Imail will be in this position when their current license runs out? Well isn't that sweet. Guess we'll be making plans to get away from Imail then at that rate. What the heck do I need all that other overhead (ICS) for? Grrrrr.


From: Tony Norman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 12:05 PM
Subject: [IMail Forum] Expiring AV - Mandatory upgrade to ICS

Hello all...



I wanted to get your thoughts on a situation I am having with IP Switch, along with a recommendation on AV products.


We currently run IMail 8.05 at a school, and it runs perfectly for what we need.  Our AV is expiring, and IP Switch is telling us that they will no longer supply an AV renewal, and to maintain our AV protection, we will need to go to the ICS (mucho $$$$$).  We feel this is incredibly bogus, as we are satisfied with the product we have now, and all we want to do is upgrade our AV patterns.


I have spoken with IPSwitch, and they are telling me 'this is the way it is'.  I wanted to hear from others their experiences and thoughts.


To get around this, we are thinking about integrating a third party AV with our MX Guard SPAM filter.  It integrates with FPROT, CLAM, and NAI.  I wanted to get some opinions and experiences with others who have utilized this method, and what AV they felt was best.


Thanks for your time,



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