> Aha!  Okay, am advancing SLOWLY in this world.   FINALLY got the
> pkg compiled (I think) properly with mysql support (no warnings in the
> config.log, but how can I check to make sure?  Which library should be
> linked to libmysqlclient?).  Thanks to Nels Lindquist who pointed out that
> the libmysqlclient.a library is linked with zlib, and need an extra
> time switch -lz in the configure script whever it
references -lmysqlclient.
> (ie: -lmysqlclient -lz)
> I installed the newly compiled version, but am _STILL_ getting the
> error msgs in auth.log when I start cyrus-master.
> May 11 16:25:31 linuxmail saslauthd[5716]: ipc_init        : listening on
> socket: /var/run/saslauthd/mux
> May 11 16:25:32 linuxmail pop3[5730]: sql_select option missing
> May 11 16:25:32 linuxmail lmtpunix[5732]: sql_select option missing
> May 11 16:25:32 linuxmail imap[5728]: sql_select option missing
> May 11 16:25:32 linuxmail pop3[5730]: auxpropfunc error no mechanism
> available
> May 11 16:25:32 linuxmail pop3s[5731]: sql_select option missing
> May 11 16:25:32 linuxmail lmtpunix[5732]: auxpropfunc error no mechanism
> available
> May 11 16:25:32 linuxmail imap[5728]: auxpropfunc error no mechanism
> available
> May 11 16:25:32 linuxmail pop3[5730]: _sasl_plugin_load failed on
> sasl_auxprop_plug_init for plugin: sql
> May 11 16:25:32 linuxmail pop3s[5731]: auxpropfunc error no mechanism
> available
> May 11 16:25:32 linuxmail imaps[5729]: sql_select option missing
> May 11 16:25:32 linuxmail lmtpunix[5732]: _sasl_plugin_load failed on
> sasl_auxprop_plug_init for plugin: sql
> May 11 16:25:32 linuxmail imap[5728]: _sasl_plugin_load failed on
> sasl_auxprop_plug_init for plugin: sql
> Did I forget something in a config file somewhere?  Do I have a missing
> library or something?  I'm getting extremely frustrated here - I can't
> imagine why I'm having so much trouble installing / building this!

Problem resolved.  My mistake.  When I reinstalled my newly compiled
binaries, I accidentally overwrote my /etc/imapd.conf file.  I appended the
file with the following, and it _seems_ to be accepted:
sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
sasl_mech_list: plain
sasl_sql_engine: mysql
sasl_sql_hostnames: localhost
sasl_sql_user: mail
sasl_sql_passwd: secret
sasl_sql_database: mail
sasl_sql_select: select password from accountuser where username = '%u'

So it seemingly works.  This is now the output in my
May 11 17:18:27 linuxmail saslauthd[10272]: ipc_init        : listening on
socket: /var/run/saslauthd/mux
May 11 17:18:27 linuxmail imap[10284]: sql auxprop plugin using mysql engine
May 11 17:18:27 linuxmail imaps[10285]: sql auxprop plugin using mysql
May 11 17:18:27 linuxmail lmtpunix[10288]: sql auxprop plugin using mysql
May 11 17:18:27 linuxmail pop3s[10287]: sql auxprop plugin using mysql
May 11 17:18:27 linuxmail pop3[10286]: sql auxprop plugin using mysql engine
May 11 17:18:27 linuxmail imap[10289]: sql auxprop plugin using mysql engine
May 11 17:18:27 linuxmail pop3[10290]: sql auxprop plugin using mysql engine
May 11 17:18:29 linuxmail imap[10291]: sql auxprop plugin using mysql engine
May 11 17:18:29 linuxmail pop3[10294]: sql auxprop plugin using mysql engine
May 11 17:18:30 linuxmail imap[10292]: sql auxprop plugin using mysql engine
May 11 17:18:30 linuxmail imap[10293]: sql auxprop plugin using mysql engine

Thanks again to Nels Lindquist!  I'd still be tearing my hair out if I
didn't know to include "-lz" flag in the configure options.

Can someone just please explain what this zlib's purpose is for?

Thanks again for all your help!


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