You can almost feel the sarcasm dripping from this note, which I think is
perfectly acceptable.  Google was flat-out wrong in its reaction to
NEWS.COM's article that used Google's database 'against' its executives.
Does Google expect a journalistic double-standard for coverage about itself,
to say nothing about how its services are used?  (I wonder of Google's ToS
will be modified soon to prohibit using its services against Google

Definitely an amusing letter, though.  Props to ZDNET.UK for calling a spade
a spade.  :)


This story was printed from ZDNet UK, located at
Story URL:,39020682,39212555,00.htm
Google: An Apology
August 09, 2005, 14:55 BST

As you may have read elsewhere, ‹ our sister publication in the US
‹ recently published a story concerning Google and online personal privacy.
In it staff writer Elinor Mills used Google itself to find out public
information about Google chief executive Eric E. Schmidt, which she then
published. In response, Google has decided not to talk to any reporter from for a year.

We cannot speak for, although we are proud to march under the same
CNET banner. However, we cannot avoid responsibilities for our own actions.
Acting under the mistaken impression that Google's search engine was
intended to help research public data, we have in the past enthusiastically
abused the system to conduct exactly the kind of journalism that Google
finds so objectionable.

Clearly, there is no place in modern reporting for this kind of unregulated,
unprotected access to readily available facts, let alone in capriciously
using them to illustrate areas of concern. We apologise unreservedly, and
will cooperate fully in helping Google change people's perceptions of its
role just as soon as it feels capable of communicating to us how it wishes
that role to be seen.

Unfortunately, we have been unable to ascertain this. Google UK has told us
that we'll have to talk to Google US to find out whether we too have fallen
under the writ of excommunication. As we share all information with our
American brethren it is hard to see how it could be any other way, but we
humbly await news of our fate.

Google UK's inability to explain the local implications of the decision
could be read as the results of an angry, irrational action dictated in
isolation from the top of a large and disparate organisation, an action
whose ramifications were not fully taken into account.

We seek at once to distance ourselves from that perception, at odds as it is
with Google's name as a byword for enlightened, engaged wisdom, a new model
of corporatism which seeks to do well by doing good. It is certainly
something that would be impossible to square with the quality of management
required to successfully run an $80bn multinational company.

And forgive us too for any effect Google's righteous wrath will have on our
coverage of issues affecting the company. Although we have plenty of other
sources to help us report and analyse the many intriguing and important
issues involved, Google's voice may be absent. We can only encourage our
readers to make up their own minds about what may really be going on inside
the company ‹ while abjuring them from using a search engine in their quest.

It's wrong. Don't do it. Google says so.

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