Recently a bug was opened to add additional repositories to
MirrorManager for epel-next. One of the problems with adding new
repository definitions to MirrorManager is that the definitions are part
of the code. For each new/changed repository a new release is needed.

I was thinking about changing this for a long time. Have the repository
definition in a configuration file.

During the last months I have been rewriting umdl in Rust after the
first two MirrorManager tools rewritten in Rust proofed to be really
reliable during the last 1.5 years.

The new tool, scan-primary-mirror, is already used in RPM Fusion for a
few weeks and now with the need to have epel-next repositories I
replaced umdl only for EPEL also in Fedora.

So far it seems to work correctly. The epel-next repositories have been
detected and all other metalinks have also been updated correctly.

Please let me know if something around EPEL metalinks is not working as


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