> * Do we want to get noggin to be able to verify nicks first?
> How will the verification works?

We don't know yet.  I was thinking of having and IRC bot that would get an
HTTP request from Noggin to verify a user, and would send a link with a JWT
token as a private message that the user would click on, pretty much like
what we do for email (except it requires an IRC bot). Of course, if we want
to support Matrix, we'll need a Matrix bot too to verify the nicknames as
That's a pretty decent chunk of work and I don't think it can be done by
next week. Hopefully sometime in the north hemispherian summer. So if we
make it a requirement it's going to delay things quite a bit.

* Do we want to just hold off on all this until matrix is setup?
> I would say that this doesn't change anything for people that are already
> on matrix or IRC, I don't think we need to wait for our own matrix instance.

My understanding of the tickets is that there was a bit of an urgency to
avoid notifications being sent to the wrong people. So, maybe no waiting,
but let's keep the scripts that go through the group descriptions around,
as we may need them again ;-)

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