Cheers folks, this is merged now.

On Wed, 29 Sept 2021 at 10:35, David Kirwan <> wrote:

> On Wed, 29 Sept 2021 at 02:28, Kevin Fenzi <> wrote:
>> So, as far as migrating over to the new do we want to
>> handle that? Obviously we want to do staging first and sort out any
>> issues. Should that be a task that infra and releng takes on this next
>> quater? Or something you all are going to keep working on?
> I hope this is something we can continue to work on as we shift back into
> the infra & releng. Might be good to catch you for a few minutes for a chat
> this week to bounce a few ideas about how we could do it, we were
> considering adding new roles for each individual app, it could allow us to
> deploy them with any new ocp4 required changes without affecting the
> existing 3.11 cluster versions.
>> Also, I will have 2 more compute nodes we can add (one to stg and one to
>> prod) in a bit (need to get vlans sorted, etc). Perhaps it's worth
>> adding a sop to add new nodes I can just do it? Or hand off the machines
>> when they are ready for you all.
> Nice! Yep we have a SOP from the CentOS CI infra we can use, it would be
> great if you wanted to follow it to add these new nodes!
> --
> David Kirwan
> Software Engineer
> Community Platform Engineering @ Red Hat
> T: +(353) 86-8624108     IM: @dkirwan

David Kirwan
Software Engineer

Community Platform Engineering @ Red Hat

T: +(353) 86-8624108     IM: @dkirwan
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