Hey folks!

I published version 3.0.0 of Fedora Messaging this morning. It is a major
release, and the backwards-incompatible changes are:
- Queues created by the CLI are now non-durable, auto-deleted and
exclusive, as server-named queues are.
- It is no longer necessary to declare a queue in the configuration file: a
server-named queue will be created. Configured bindings which do not
specify a queue name will be applied to the server-named queue. This is
most useful for our public broker where folks had to set a UUID-named queue
in the config file before starting the consumer.
- Drop support for Python 2
- Drop the Twisted classes that had been flagged as deprecated. Drop the
deprecated Message._body property. Refactor the consuming code into the
Consumer class.

It should be a painless upgrade. Here are the release notes if you also
want to check out the other changes (features, bugfixes, etc):

I'll now go on to build the RPM.


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