On Wed, Feb 23, 2022 at 06:18:24PM +0100, Pavel Raiskup wrote:
> Hello infra!
> Currently, in Copr team we are periodically preparing those kinds of images 
> for
> our VM builders:
> - I thought the answer is Image Builder, but there's a missing support for
>   Fedora ppc64le and s390x targets for now (rhbz#2040685).

Well, it could still be. My understanding of things is that we could run
ImageBuilder plugins in our koji and when we request builds it uses our
koji to build them instead of internal as a service builders. Of course
thats a ways out so, not sure it helps you now. 

> - livemedia-creator, seems to be a bit related to Image Builder but I was told
>   some time ago that AMI support is experimental, the docs say
>   "At this time I have not tested the image with EC2. Feedback would be
>   welcome."
> - There's a Packer software (packer.io) used by testing farm folks (the 
> tooling
>   is not available in Fedora yet).
> - Koji is able to build some images using Kickstarts.  This one looks like
>   low-hanging fruit.  Existing and working solution, we could built on top of
>   of the maintained fedora-kickstarts files that we "use" anyway (through the
>   pre-built official images).  But I'm not sure if our team could be allowed 
> to
>   use Koji like this, and provide additional *ks files?

We could make that work, it would need setup... (a repo for kickstarts,
permissions and tags setup, etc), but it could work. 

> Are there any other possibilities?  Opinions?

A related thought that occurs to me: Right now for koji builders we
install them via virt-install and then run ansible to configure them.
Since we only reinstall or upgrade them once a cycle it's not too much
hassle, but I wonder if it wouldn't make sense to collaborate with you
and come up with a base 'builder image' qcow or raw image and both copr
and fedora builders just use the same image. It might be that the use
cases diverge enough to not make that practical, but thought I would
toss it out there... ;) 


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