crossposting to infra list to keep folks there in the loop...

On Tue, Jul 12, 2022 at 02:53:24PM +0100, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Jul 2022 at 15:06, Stephen Smoogen wrote:
> > That said, IRC is actually one of the fastest ones we can push to.
> Is really still sending
> notifications to freenode though?
> Hasn't everybody moved to libera?

yes. It's just incorrect/out of date there. 

Let me sum up what I know and perhaps I can point people to this post
later. :) 

The current state is bad. We know it's bad. We have known for a long
time that it's bad. It's bad for all of the following reasons: 

* It's running a python2 codebase. Upstream development/PR's have long
ago moved to python3, but thats not the version we current have

* It's heavily tied to the old account system. Several of us spent many
hours last week trying to untangle it. I think we might be getting close
now, but it's really hard to tell.

* It's pretty heavily tied to fedmsg (not fedora-messaging). fedmsg
still works of course, but it's another layer of confusion.

* It's rules/interface lets you do all kinds of cool things, but it's
complex and confusing to most everyone that tries to use it.

* It's running on a end of life OS version. ;( 

* In order to try to scale it has a number of layers of things which
makes it hard to debug. For example it uses redis, it's own rabbitmq
instance with a bunch of queues, multiple workers talking to all those
things and multiple backends for irc and email. You might think
performance shouldn't be a big deal, but when you have thousands of
users, each with their own custom rulesets, that means you have to
potentially match a incoming message against every single ruleset of
every user and you have to do it fast enough to keep up with the
incoming flow of messages and the outgoing flow of notifications. :( 

Short term, I would like to hope that the python2/current version can
catch mostly up. (Its currently 4 days behind). Once it does, I would
very much like to try switching to the python3 version. It has a lot of
the problems the existing one does, but it should also have some
advantages, like running on a supported OS, much easier to release and
deploy new versions, etc.

Longer term, we are just now starting an iniative to re-write FMN from
the ground up. It's going to be a while until it's ready, but I really
hope it will be much better for everyone involved. Better/easier
interface, much better handling of messages, etc.

Hope that helps clarify things...


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