On Wed, Jun 20, 2007 at 12:27:17PM +0200, Eliot Lear wrote:
> There are two that I can point you at, and perhaps the temporal 
> difference would be at least amusing:
>    * Renumbering: Threat or Menace?, Lear, Katinsky, Tharp, et al,
>      Proceedings of the Tenth Systems Administration Conference (LISA96)
>    * Procedures for Renumbering an IPv6 Network Without a Flag Day,
>      Baker, Lear, Droms, RFC 4192, September, 2005.
> I would also add that Tim Chown has done an extensive amount of work in 
> this space.

Well, it was the 6NET team, and some documentation can be found here:


and also

Chown, T., Thompson, M., Ford, A., and S. Venaas, "Things to
think about when Renumbering an IPv6 network 
(draft-chown-v6ops-renumber-thinkabout-05.txt)", March 2007.

but the feeling in v6ops certainly seems to be 'we don't want to renumber,
we'd rather have PI or look at id/loc longer term' so specific effort on
making renumbering easier isn't really being made (in that wg at least).

> If your point is that you should never have to renumber, then that's a 
> lovely way to go.  It will still happen, of course, as companies merge 
> and grow.  I think IPv6 helps with the latter, but the former is still a 
> challenge simply because topologies change.

IPv6 certainly helps, but doesn't trivialise it by any means.

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