That's a reader thing. Some readers change the way objects are shown when
other objects are present. The ultimate proof is transparency that changes
everything. If you print the page it should look good.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Christopher Van Vlack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 19:14
Subject: [iText-questions] Text Caused to Bold after Image Insert

> I accidently submitted this to the support page, in sourceForge..  Here
>  I'm currently working on a project for a school
> district, and we are using iText to dynamically great
> the grade reports for students. I'm using a
> PdfContentByte to write everything to the document,
> including the text, images, and various rectangles and
> horizontal rules. I've noticed that when i have just
> text on a page, it displays as I've set the various
> fonts to. But when I add either an image, or drawing
> (rectangle, hr) of any kind, all the fonts suddently bold.
> I'm basically using showText and setTextMatrix for the
> text areas, and moveTo/lineTo/stroke for the hr's and
> rectangle/stroke for the rectangles.. For Images I
> just use Image and getInstance to create the image,
> then cb.addImage to insert the image into the contentByte..
> Is there a variable or something to that effect which
> I'm missing to cause this, or is this just a fluke
> thing.. If you need any code, please let me know, I
> would be able to provide it..
> Thanks
> Chris
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