
Leonard Rosenthol schrieb:
On Feb 21, 2008, at 6:43 AM, Gregor Karlinger wrote:
since itext release 2.0.3 itext creates a signature appearance even if the signature is an invisible one.

The code modification has been done with revision 2741 in file /trunk/src/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfSignatureAppearance.java/ <http://itext.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/itext/trunk/src/com/lowagie/text/pdf/PdfSignatureAppearance.java?view=log&pathrev=2741>. The corresponding svn comment is "always create an appearance even if it's an invisible signature".

Can anybody of you tell me the reason for this?

One reason is that PDF/A requires it, and it doesn't cause any problems.

Why do you think that PDF/A requires it? In section 6.5.3 ISO 19005-1:2005 says: "If an annotation dictionary contains the AP key, the appearance dictionary that it defines as its value shall contain only the N key, whose value shall be a stream defining the appearance of the annotation."

We are currently dealing with the following problem: We add an invisible signature to a pdf document. After that the PDF document cannot be printed with (at least) Adobe Acrobot 7 correctly (the first page is printed correctly, subsequent pages contain only a few huge letters instead of the actual contents).

Acrobat 7.0 or are you current with the 7.0.9 patches? What OS platform? What type(s) of printer?
We have tested it wit Adobe Reader 7.0.9 under OS Windows XP SP 2 (Build 2600). We have tested it with a Brother MFC 9420 CN printer, our customers reported problems with several other printers.

I can't think of any reason why Acrobat would care...

What about Acrobat 8?  Does it print the files correctly?
Adobe Reader 8.1.2 prints correcly (same OS and printer as abobe). But we have another example documented by a customer, where printing fails with Adobe Reader 8.1.x.

I can provide test samples if this is of use, but since they are real life examples from one of our customers I do not want to post them on the mailing list.

Please do!
I will send the real live example to your personal e-mail adress.


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