On 8/11/2010 23:22, Bill Bolek wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using Pentaho which in turn uses jFreeChart and itext to display
> charts. I have installed my Pentaho solution on several CentOS platforms
> with no problem. However, when I tried to install my solution on a Red
> Hat Linux system my jFreeChart is not rendering properly. Can anyone
> point me to what may be missing in the Red Hat environment. Screen shot
> below that illustrate problem.

Professional reaction: don't ask us, ask Pentaho, because Pentaho 
doesn't have a business relationship with iText Software Corp. and 
Pentaho has far more resources to help you.

Developer's reaction: I'm 99% sure that Pentaho/jFreeChart uses 
PdfGraphics2D to render the PDF (as opposed to using native PDF 
instructions, such as lineTo, moveTo, fill, stroke,...).
This means that your application depends on plenty of java.awt classes, 
and if you're using a JVM different from the one from SUN (now Oracle), 
then you may experience quirks that are inherent to that other JVM. I 
didn't see this kind of behavior yet, but I've experienced similar 
problems in the AWT area with JDKs that were not from SUN.
This answer is provided by 1T3XT BVBA
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