Hi Roberto,

did you have a look into locking strategies, as far as i know ivy does no 
locking by default wich may lead to your problems:


kind regards 



Geschäftsführer: Dr. Bernhard Blüthner, Dieter Heyde, Markus Honold
Sitz: München, AG München, HRB 146081
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Roberto C. Sánchez [mailto:robe...@connexer.com] 
Gesendet: Fr, 3. April 2015 03:02
An: ivy-user@ant.apache.org
Betreff: Difficult with concurrent builds

I have a project using Ivy which is built via Jenkins.  I have two branches for 
this project (a stable branch and a current development branch, which is the 
master branch in Git).

In Jenkins I have one build configured for each branch (I don't want to mix the 
build histories).  I have a post-commit hook in my Git repository which checks 
for the branch(es) of the commit and then uses to wget to retrieve the URL that 
triggers the build that corresponds to the branch of the commit.

The problem that I am experiencing has to do with making changes in quick 
succession on the two branches.  My Ant build.xml does the normal build routine 
and at the end publishes the artifacts into my own local Ivy repository.  When 
the builds run concurrently (because, for example, I make a commit one branch 
and then immediately cherry-pick the commit to the other branch, the build that 
finshes last uses the ivy.xml desriptor from the build that finishes first.  
This is very frustrating as it breaks all sorts of things.  I can go into 
Jenkins and force a rebuild of the one that finished last and everything turns 
out correctly, with the correct descriptor being published the second time.

I looked through the Ivy source code and found a reference to a delivery list 
file that looks in ${java.io.tmpdir}/delivery.properties.  I tried explicitly 
setting the ivy.delivery.list.file using Ant's <tempfile/> task to ensure that 
concurrent builds won't accidentally touch the same file.  I was able to 
confirm that instead of /tmp/delivery.properties that the Ivy publish task was 
using the randomly generated file name Ant put into the ivy.delivery.list.file 

Even with that, though, I am still seeing the buggy behavior.  That is, the 
build that finishes last uses the same descriptor as the build that finishes 
first (line for line identical except for the revision and publication 
attributes of the info tag.

Any help on this would be appreciated.


Roberto C. Sánchez

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