Reposting due to formatting issues.

> Hi. What is failing? This are some modules I used in an ActionScript
> project. As you can see, I am publishing a .air file, screens-manager
> library is a .swc, and main_entrance_screen is a .zip:


I examined your example, and I can make it work when there is one layer of dependencies. But when more than two layers, I can't make it work: ivy only retrieves the first layer of dependencies. I expect all layers to be retrieved. I create a complete example on github ( Here is the gist of it:

Level 1 (no dependencies):

<ivy-module version="2.0">
  <info organisation="org.martin" module="level1" revision="1.0.0"/>
    <artifact name="level1" type="source"  ext="txt" />

Level 2 (depends on level1):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

  <info organisation="org.martin" module="level2" revision="2.1.0"/>

    <artifact name="level2" type="source"  ext="txt" />

    <dependency org="org.martin" name="level1" rev="1.0.0">
      <artifact name="level1" type="source" ext="txt" />

And Level 3 (depends on level 2):


  <info organisation="org.martin" module="level3" revision="3.2.1"/>

    <artifact name="level3" type="source"  ext="txt" />

    <dependency org="org.martin" name="level2" rev="2.1.0">
      <artifact name="level2" type="source" ext="txt" />

When I retrieve the dependencies at level 3, only level 2 is retrieved. I expect level 1 and level 2 to be retrieved.

I do not understand what's wrong. Any one has any idea?


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