Other useful tidbits....

Here is my retrieve task in build.xml:

        <target name="retrieve" description="Resolve dependencies">

So in my cache I get the following directory structure:

|----+slf4ec-1.0.0+15.db80236 (unpack folder)
|----+slf4ec-x86-gcc-withLoc-1.0.0+15.db80236.zip (artifact downloaded 
according to cache pattern)

And in my project I get:

        |----+slf4ec_x86_gcc_withLoc-1.0.0+15.db80236 (Unpacked artifact copied 
from cache, content of the "unpack folder" but following the retrieve pattern)



-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremie Faucher-Goulet [mailto:jeremie.faucher-gou...@trilliantinc.com] 
Sent: June 29, 2016 4:35 PM
To: ivy-user@ant.apache.org
Subject: RE: Packaging attribute, unpack location

Hi Marc,

When not specifying the packaging attribute, everything seems to work as 
expected. I suppose I could always write a custom Ant action to unzip the 
files. I was trying to use the Ivy feature.

Here is my current cache configuration in ivysettings.xml :

Of course, [arch], [compiler] and [locInfo] are extra-attributes that are 
defined in the library I'm resolving from Artifactory. Here is the ivy.xml file 
of that library:

<ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:e="http://ant.apache.org/ivy/extra";>
        <info organisation="com.trilliantinc" module="slf4ec" />
                <conf name="cortex-m4_gcc_withLoc" e:arch="cortex-m4" 
                        description="Binary for ARM Cortex-M4 compiled with GCC 
with location information" />
                <conf name="cortex-m4_gcc_withoutLoc" e:arch="cortex-m4"
                        e:compiler="gcc" e:locInfo="withoutLoc"
                        description="Binary for ARM Cortex-M4 compiled with GCC 
without location information" />
                <conf name="cortex-m4_iar_withLoc" e:arch="cortex-m4" 
                        description="Binary for ARM Cortex-M4 compiled with IAR 
with location information" />
                <conf name="cortex-m4_iar_withoutLoc" e:arch="cortex-m4"
                        e:compiler="iar" e:locInfo="withoutLoc"
                        description="Binary for ARM Cortex-M4 compiled with IAR 
without location information" />
                <conf name="x86_gcc_withLoc" e:arch="x86" e:compiler="gcc"
                        description="Binary for x86 compiled with GCC with 
location information" />
                <conf name="x86_gcc_withoutLoc" e:arch="x86" e:compiler="gcc"
                        description="Binary for x86 compiled with GCC without 
location information" />
                <conf name="artifacts" visibility="private" 
description="Build's artifacts" />
                <conf name="all" extends="*" description="All artifacts" />
                <artifact name="slf4ec" e:arch="x86" e:compiler="gcc"
                        e:locInfo="withLoc" ext="zip" type="native" 
                        packaging="zip" />
                <artifact name="slf4ec" e:arch="x86" e:compiler="gcc"
                        e:locInfo="withoutLoc" ext="zip" type="native" 
                        packaging="zip" />
                <artifact name="slf4ec" e:arch="cortex-m4" e:compiler="gcc"
                        e:locInfo="withLoc" ext="zip" type="native" 
                        packaging="zip" />
                <artifact name="slf4ec" e:arch="cortex-m4" e:compiler="gcc"
                        e:locInfo="withoutLoc" ext="zip" type="native" 
                        packaging="zip" />
                <artifact name="slf4ec" e:arch="cortex-m4" e:compiler="iar"
                        e:locInfo="withLoc" ext="zip" type="native" 
                        packaging="zip" />
                <artifact name="slf4ec" e:arch="cortex-m4" e:compiler="iar"
                        e:locInfo="withoutLoc" ext="zip" type="native" 
                        packaging="zip" />
                <artifact name="doc" ext="zip" type="html" conf="artifacts"
                        packaging="zip" />
                <artifact name="tests" ext="zip" type="xUnit" conf="artifacts"
                        packaging="zip" />

I'm not exactly sure what use the extra-attributes could have inside the <conf 
/> section. Currently they don’t seem to impact anything and I'm probably going 
to remove them.
Ideally I would have proffered to use these extra-attributes instead of 
configurations (and a long configuration name string) when resolving 
dependencies, but the resolver looks for these extra-attributes in the module, 
not the artifacts so cannot resolve when using extra-attributes. At least 
that's what I found out with my experimentations.

Best regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: Marc De Boeck [mailto:mdeb...@gmail.com]
Sent: June 29, 2016 4:16 PM
To: ivy-user@ant.apache.org
Subject: Re: Packaging attribute, unpack location

Can you tell us the cache pattern that you have configured ?
Maybe you can also try to retrieve the same artifacts but with a module 
descriptor (ivy-file) where the packaging attribute is not set.
This way, you could find out if it is related to the packaging attribute, or 
related to something else.


2016-06-29 21:22 GMT+02:00 Jeremie Faucher-Goulet <

> Hello,
> I’m encountering an issue where, when using a different configuration 
> for the same artifact during a retrieve operation, the artifact is 
> downloaded but the wrong artifact is copied in my project.
> Is it a limitation of the automatic unpacking (zip file in my case) 
> not keeping the extra attributes? I’m new to Ivy so there might be a 
> configuration option I haven’t found yet.
> For example, I’m using a custom pattern for the Ivy cache so I can get 
> the different configuration downloaded and a similar custom pattern 
> for the retrieve itself so I can get these different artifacts in my project.
> However, calling retrieve with a different configuration does create a 
> new folder in my project (retrieve pattern), but it’s content is the 
> same as with the previous configuration.
> Looking in the Ivy cache, I see that the download did create a new
> (proper) artifact in my cache according to my custom cache pattern, 
> but the same folder was used (and not overridden) for unpacking.
> It seems whatever pattern I set, the unpacking location will happen 
> here in the cache:
> [organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[artifact]-[revision]/*
> My assumption currently, is that Ivy will find the same unpacking 
> location so will skip the unpacking step. Retrieve will then copy over 
> a dirty/invalid version of what was unpacked. Are my assumptions correct?
> Is there a way to configure the unpacking location, if my 
> understanding of the issue is correct?
> P.S. I’m using configuration to differentiate different native C/C++ 
> builds (x86, arm, etc…) Perhaps I’m not using the proper approach?
> Thank you,
> [image: Description: cid:image001.jpg@01C9B6D4.5B951A30]
> Jeremie Faucher-Goulet, Jr. Eng.
> Firmware Developer
> Trilliant Inc
> Tel: 450.375.0556 ext. 368
> jeremie.faucher-gou...@trilliantinc.com
> www.trilliantinc.com

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