Could you share with us the ivysettings.xml which configures this Nexus(?) 3 resolver?


On 12/07/18 11:33 PM, t4rockets wrote:
When Ivy 2.4.0 is requesting header information during an ivy:buildnumber task, NXRM 3.x is returning for 404 error code indicating the page was not found. Because of the 404 error, the buildnumber task can not determine the current build number so that it can be incremented. The Ivy multi-project example has the test case where this error can be seen. The Ivy example uses the local filesystem resolver and that work as expected, but adding NXRM OSS 3.X as another resolver for publication causes the error to occur after the initial artifact (version/build number 1) is published. The version/build number is always 1 because the ivy:buildnumber task does not find the existing artifact for version/build number 1.

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