On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 11:22 PM, Chris Hane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think have a meta repository is a great step.  I have been following ivy
> for a while.  I have on my todo list to replace (enhance) our project build
> files to use Ivy.  However, I have been dragging my feet because I don't
> want to build all of the ivy files that I will need.  I think having a
> repository where ivy files can be shared is great - it's just icing that we
> can have a plugin for ivy to do a lot of the repacking work.

Your experience sounds very similar to mine and is exactly what motivated
this project in the first place...

> I've noticed that you put up an initial list of ivy files.  Do you have a
> process for adding more?  Submit patches to the issue tracker?

Right now I've just thrown a few modules in there as sort-of a
proof-of-concept. Here's what I would like to happen next:

   1. Get some additional contributors to join the Ivy RoundUp project.
   I'm envisioning a fairly open project, meaning lots of "fine grained"
   committers, or perhaps a small team of committers plus a larger pool of
   "maintainers" who are assigned responsibility for each module. The goal here
   is to allow people to focus on the modules they are interested in. This is
   analogous to how FreeBSD's ports system works. The issue tracker is a good
   vehicle for tracking requested additions and changes.
   2. Decide what to do about the stuff in the maven2 repository. We have
   the option here of building an automated tool that would "import" everything
   in maven2, creating the ivy.xml equivalents of the POM, etc. for each module
   on the fly. These ivy.xml files would form a starting point for further
   refinements over time.
   3. Flesh out the
on the collective wisdom on this list.
   4. Establish a place for discussion and decision-making about module
   naming, configurations, dependency mapping, etc. Add some new modules to
   stimulate thinking.

For #1, for now anybody who wants to join as a committer is welcome.. get in
on the ground floor! :-)

For #2, this is an interesting discussion. I am willing to write the code,
but I need the help of this list to understand what is the best approach.

For #3, I'd ask for anyone interested to add their thoughts and update the

For #4, let's continue to use this mailing list for the time being. When the
email traffic becomes more substantial we'll create a separate list.

I'm looking forward to getting this up and running. I think it can become a
great resource for all Ivy users.


Archie L. Cobbs

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