The syntax is conf="local->remote".

So if you have a configuration "normal" that requires the "runtime"
configuration of spring, then you would say:

  <dependency org="org.springframework" name="spring" rev="2.5.1"

If necessary, you can specify more than one configuration name (on either
side of the "->") if you separate them by commas.


On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 12:13 PM, Alan Chaney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi
> I'm comparatively new to Ivy. Generally speaking it seems to do what I
> want, but I keep having trouble connecting all the dots.
> My particular problem at the moment is using configurations. I've looked
> at all the docs and tried the example. But I can't quite work out how to
> make it work in my own project.
> I have a project with several sub-projects. I have Ivy happily managing
> the internal dependencies.
> Each sub project has compile, test and publish targets and an ivy.xml file
> to control the dependencies of the sub-project.
> I have already created an 'enterprise' repository as an attempt to work
> around broken maven2 metadata.
> What I can't quite work out is how to select from my 3rd party
> dependencies by mapping the configurations. For example, the Spring 2.5.1
> ivy file created by using ivy:import on the maven2 repository produces its
> own ivy.xml file containing configurations like default, master, compile,
> provided, runtime, test, system and optional.
> When I use spring in my own projects I only want to include the runtime
> dependencies in my own compile and test classpaths.
> Lets assume that my own configurations are  mycompile and mytest and I
> want to specify a dependency on spring in my ivy.xml.
> Without dependencies it would be something like:
> <dependency org="org.springframework" name="spring" rev="2.5.1" />
> I feel that I should then add some kind of 'conf' setting but I can't
> quite seem to work it out.
> Does anyone have any suggestions
> Thanks
> Alan Chaney

Archie L. Cobbs

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