On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 11:02 AM, Jeff Evans (IT) <
jeffrey.ev...@morganstanley.com> wrote:

> > 1) The Maven 2 repository has more than a little crap in it. <snip>

I'll say one more thing about Ivy RoundUp and then shut up... :-)

The whole point of Ivy RoundUp is to create a *sane* repository with
reliable and precise configuration and dependency information. Right now
there are 231 separate modules and 617 distinct revisions, but there is
always the need for more.

If people want to be part of the solution (instead of just complaining :-)
please join us. Everyone benefits from the "network effect" of people
contributing ivy.xml files for the modules that they care about and use
every day. In that way it's a project very much in the open source spirit.

I'll also note that you don't have to use Ivy RoundUp exclusively, as you
can chain it together with other repositories, so it's not an all-or-nothing
commitment to use it (although of course maven can sometimes make this
difficult too).


Archie L. Cobbs

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