Hi Andreas,

do all builds have the same revision? If so, do you use the 
changingPattern and changingMatcher attributes
on the resolver to let Ivy know that there are multiple builds with the 
same revision? Additionally, you might
use checkmodified="true" on the resolver to ensure that you get the most 
recent ivy file.

If that doesn't work for some reason, you could perform a resolve right 
after the publishing, to make sure that
the published build is immediately put into the cache.


Von:    "Andreas Fagschlunger" <andreas.fagschlun...@reflex.at>
An:     ivy-user@ant.apache.org
Datum:  15.03.2014 18:08
Betreff:        Force Ivy to use local repsitory instead of cache


I've set up a Multi-Project environment with Ivy. Every Project builds and
publishes itself to the local repository. My problem is, when there are
two or more Builds from one Project and another Projects uses the first
one as a dependency, only the first build is resolved - because the first
Build is the one that lies in the Cache.

How can I force Ivy to use the latest build from the local repository as a
dependency and not the one which lies in the cache?

Best Regards,
Andreas Fagschlunger

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