"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : I've uploaded a 
2.0.2-SNAPSHOT of jboss-cl with a fix for this bug if you want to try it.
  | It seems to work.  In JBossAS minimal configuration, it prints the warning 
several times:
  |   | 08:37:13,719 WARN  [ClassLoadingSpace] 
jboss-threads-deployer-classloader:1.0.0.Alpha resolved 
PackageRequirement{org.jboss.deployers.vfs.deployer.kernel [0.0.0,?)} to 
VFSClassLoaderPolicyModule deployers-classloader:0.0.0 which has 
import-all=true. Cannot check its consistency.
  |   | 08:37:13,719 WARN  [ClassLoadingSpace] 
jboss-threads-deployer-classloader:1.0.0.Alpha resolved 
PackageRequirement{org.jboss.deployers.vfs.spi.deployer [0.0.0,?)} to 
VFSClassLoaderPolicyModule deployers-classloader:0.0.0 which has 
import-all=true. Cannot check its consistency.
  |   | 08:37:13,720 WARN  [ClassLoadingSpace] 
jboss-threads-deployer-classloader:1.0.0.Alpha resolved 
PackageRequirement{org.jboss.deployers.vfs.deployer.kernel [0.0.0,?)} to 
VFSClassLoaderPolicyModule deployers-classloader:0.0.0 which has 
import-all=true. Cannot check its consistency.
  |   | 08:37:13,720 WARN  [ClassLoadingSpace] 
jboss-threads-deployer-classloader:1.0.0.Alpha resolved 
PackageRequirement{org.jboss.deployers.vfs.spi.deployer [0.0.0,?)} to 
VFSClassLoaderPolicyModule deployers-classloader:0.0.0 which has 
import-all=true. Cannot check its consistency.
  |   | 08:37:13,720 WARN  [ClassLoadingSpace] 
jboss-threads-deployer-classloader:1.0.0.Alpha resolved 
PackageRequirement{org.jboss.deployers.vfs.spi.deployer [0.0.0,?)} to 
VFSClassLoaderPolicyModule deployers-classloader:0.0.0 which has 
import-all=true. Cannot check its consistency.
  |   | 
  | ...if that matters to you.

Yes, obviously the WARNing is in the wrong place.

I've moved it such that it only prints the WARNing once - when the dependency
is fully resolved. i.e. the other module is in the correct state to be usable 
as an import.

I've updated a new 2.0.2-SNAPSHOT if you want to try it.
You'll probably have to remove the old one from your local maven repository
since maven only checks for snapshots once per day.

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