I fully agree on the fact that virtual archives is what is needed. JBoss 5 is 
building it into the core of AS but until we have that in JBoss Tools/RHDS we 
are working on having it at the IDE level.

Giving you an incremental update of the deployed artifacts removing the need 
for seperate assemble/copy step during development.

With respect to why WAR and EAR's still are interesting for IDE's then its 
because it gives a standard structure where you (and the tool) can agree on 
where is the class files, where are the web.xml, components.xml etc. 

Virtual archives doesn't really solve that problem.
Your development files sometimes does not even contain enough information to 
tell the IDE what your "view of the world" is. The java source code is normally 
static; but config files with ${deploy.url}, ${deploy.dir} instead of the 
actual values makes it extremely hard for IDE's to deduce enough information to 
be really usefull.

I have some ideas for solving that; but there are many common corner cases to 

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