
I have an interesting issue with DataModels. Any suggestions would be 

The setup:
I have Bean "A" which has a list ("sections") annotated as  DataModel. 
"sections" is available in my current conversation. When invoking a method from 
my JSF page (which calls a method in my second Bean "B", who also has the 
"sections" annotated with a DataModel), I run into problems as the "sections" 
are not available in Bean "B". (I have looked at the conversation context and 
can see that "sections" has been removed from the context).

This is quite weird. I then stepped through the Seam code and ran into the 
following in "Component.java"

 private void outjectDataModel(Object bean, BijectedAttribute dataModelGetter)
  |    {
  |       DataBinder wrapper = createWrapper(dataModelGetter.getAnnotation() 
  |       Object list = dataModelGetter.get(bean);//2
  |       String name = dataModelGetter.getName();
  |       Annotation dataModelAnn = dataModelGetter.getAnnotation();
  |       ScopeType scope = wrapper.getVariableScope(dataModelAnn);
  |       Context context = getOutScope(scope, this).getContext();
  |       Object existingDataModel = context.get(name);
  |       boolean dirty = existingDataModel == null || scope==PAGE ||
  |             wrapper.isDirty(dataModelAnn, existingDataModel, list);//3
  |       if (dirty)
  |       {
  |          if ( list!=null )
  |          {
  |             context.set( name, wrapper.wrap(dataModelAnn, list) );
  |          }
  |          else
  |          {
  |             context.remove(name);
  |          }
  |       }
  |    }
Line //2 return null for the list value when entering into Bean B while 
outjecting (seems the list is associated with the bean name, in this case Bean 
B, in stead of returning the list associated with Bean A, or just by extracting 
it from the conversation context).

As a result of the null value Line //3 is always dirty, resulting in the 
variable being removed from the conversation context !

Is it possible two have a DataModel used over two SFSB's ?  Based on the above 
Seam code it appears as if a DataModel is hardwired to a specific SFSB. 



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