
I was wondering if anyone could confirm whether what we've done is sensible - 
it seems to work, but I'm not really confident and would like to know how 
righteous it is!

Our HTTP server processes requests that can take minutes at a time, the 
handling for which can easily be broken down into small chunks. We would like 
to interleave the handling of these requests so that none get starved and time 
out (and to help with fairness). For each request, after 50ms of handling, we 
asynchronously suspend the request and (hope to) redispatch it to the queue 
behind newly arrived requests / other more-recently suspended requests.

With this approach, the issue seems to be in choosing where to call 
asyncContext.dispatch: too close to the suspend call (startAsync) and Jetty 
will not release the thread back to allow processing of other queued requests 
(presumably because Jetty thinks it's more efficient to avoid the context 
switch and so immediately continues processing the current request).

We've currently settled on overriding QueuedThreadPool.execute(Runnable) and 
tryExecute(Runnable) to wrap the Runnable: any request that had registered 
itself while the original (unwrapped) Runnable was called is now redispatched. 
This seems to work in that: (a) only one request attempts to register itself 
each time a Runnable is run, (b) the redispatch normally seems to happen very 
quickly after the request has registered itself, and (c) the request handling 
is indeed interleaved.

Does that sound like the right thing to do here? I'm thinking it would be as 
long as each request handle is guaranteed to be the tail call of a task 
submitted to the thread pool (I don't know enough about the use of 
ExecutionStrategy to know this).

Any suggestions/comments are highly appreciated.


P.S. I'm anticipating that the right thing to do might be to use a separate 
thread pool and manage the interleaving there? This of course would incur 
another thread context switch / managing another pool. We're also using 
ThreadLimitHandler to avoid single clients taking out the whole server, so 
would need to duplicate that logic.

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