Due to crazy nature of this week I have misplaced my mind and booked a
flight to New York City.  It just felt like the place I should be,
something exciting and different, where I can gather my thoughts and
figure out what all of this means.  I have really appreciated all the
support I have been given and sometimes I have felt fine and ready to
move on and then other times I have been filled with an immense sadness
as I became really really attached to the two young women I was mainly
working with...I actually had never felt better before in any other job,
it was perfect really and everything felt so good.  To be suddenly
removed from that and basically having the door closed in my face as I
showed up to work is very difficult to handle and I felt that I really
need to be with my jmdl friends. My flight leaves Greenville at 12:10 and
arrives at LaGuardia at 1:59 tomorrow.  I leave New York at 4:30 on
Tuesday.  I would love to hook up with anyone tomorrow afternoon who is
free...otherwise, I just plan on doing some exploring.  I need a place to
stay, if anyone has any couch space please email me tonight.  excited,Victor          
Victor Johnson--- [EMAIL PROTECTED]"Roses wait for the springtime,They
sleep beneath the ground.They hear March winds a callin'For the sun to
come around."vlj Visit http://www.cdbaby.com/victorjohnson 

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