On that website, Sevir mentions that the need to have each individual rule
in Javascript is something that he found a problem in other validation
packages, so I'm sure that using the title attribute was a specific design

That said, I'll be looking forward to seeing if Javascript rules will be
added as an option for the YAV plugin (I don't know if it is).

On 9/12/07, Web Specialist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yav jquery plugin(
> http://letmehaveblog.blogspot.com/2007/08/easy-client-side-web-forms-validations.html)
> is a very nice form validation. Really! But I'll want to suggest Sevir to,
> if possible, use Jorn's approach separating messages and rules.
> Yav works like:
> <input class="required alphanumeric"  id="username" title="Please write only 
> alphanumeric characters, this field is required."
>  name="username">
> and Jorn's Form Validation plugin works like:
>                 rules: {
>                     age_co_agen: { required: true },
>                     raz_co_raz: { required: true },
> ...
>                 messages: {
>                     age_co_agen: "Please provide an agent",
>                     raz_co_raz: "Please enter with raz ",
> ...
> For me Jorn's looks better for maintenance and haves a very clear code.
> Cheers


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