What page are you trying to load with AJAX? Is it outside your domain?

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 7:47 PM, John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It's just faster to write self closing p tags and I was just giving an
> example. I don't normally use them in my code. They're not related to
> my problem.
> I am using Firefox 3.5 beta on a Linux Ubuntu system. I do have
> Firebug (and Web Developer) but I'm not sure how to use it to monitor
> the AjAX calls. Firebug is what gives me. Or tells me the error name.
> Here it is again this time with every detail.
> Permission denied to call method
> XMLHttpRequest.open                            jquery-1.2.5.js (line
> 2694)
> ()()jquery-1.2.5.js (line 2694)
> ()()jquery-1.2.5.js (line 2452)
> ()()test.js (line 3)
> ()()jquery-1.2.5.js (line 2071)
> ()()jquery-1.2.5.js (line 1853)
> [Break on this error] xhr.open(type, s.url, s.async);
> If I follow(or click on) jquery-1.2.5.js (line 2694) it leads me to a
> line in the JQuery code. Which reads.
> xhr.open(type, s.url, s.async);
> As a side note I just recently upgraded to Ubuntu Hardy Heron which
> came with Firefox 3.5 beta. But I was having the same problems before
> when I was using Firefox 2.something.
> Thats all I got. Not sure where to go from here. Going to keep
> Googleing it.


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