Basic Issue:  Can you use a variable in place of the index in
functions like :nthchild() and :eq() and if so, how?

Detailed description:  I'm new to jquery and am trying to create an
image viewer.  I've marked it up and used jquery so that when you
click on a thumbnail image, jquery returns the order of the thumbnail
(1,2,3..) as a variable.  I was hoping that I could use this variable
as the parameter for :nthchild to select the corrisponding image from
a list of images (1,2,3...).  The goal is to be able to return the
corrisponding image's offset and manipulate it.  The thumbnail
variable is returning properly, but I can't seem to select the
corresponding image.  I've noticed that :nthchild() and eq() require
an "index".  Does this mean I can't insert a variable there?  Any help
would be appreciated.  I could paste some code, but since this is a
just a pet project, I will probably have to clean it up a bit
first :)  Thanks!


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