Hello I finally managed to make jquery work for me. I want to set all
"input" tabindex to -1 (not selectable by tab key). This is what I
wrote (taken from the source of an example)

<script type="text/javascript">

    $(document).ready(function() {
        // set tabs
        $(':input').each(function(i, e) {
            alert("<" + this.id + ">"+ "  TABINDEX= <" + $(this).attr
('tabindex') + ">"  );
            $(this).attr('tabindex', -1);
            alert("TABINDEX AFTER   = <" + $(this).attr('tabindex') +

The 1st alert shows me the name of the element and the tabindex
current value
The 2nd alert - shows me "TABINDEX AFTER = <-1>" as I expected and I
as need. But the source of the HTML page is NOT changed - none of the
input tags has a tabindex of -1 !!
I guess I miss something basic... Please give me a hint to redirect me
to the right direction.
Thank you in advance   Gil Yoktan

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