
I have a problem with jqmodal and ui datepicker.

Often datepicker just  doesn't appear when I initiate in in a jqmodal
window. Funnywise there isn't any warning or error in firebug.

than I have to clean cache in Firefox and datepicker appears again
during next load of modal window - even it appears slow and somehow
crankier than without modal windows.

I tried many things and spent quite some time on it, but I doesn't get
stable. Any ideas...

my code:.

$('#mw1').jqm({ajax: 'offer.cfm?at=1&oid=#myOfferID#', ajaxText:
'Loading..',trigger: 'a.ad_text_trigger'});

<input type="text" id="valid_from" name=valid_from" value="" >
<input type="text" id="valid_to" name="valid_to" value=""/>

$().ready(function() {
                $('#frm input#valid_from').datepicker($.extend({},
$.datepicker.regional['de'], {
 dateFormat: 'm.d.yy',
 duration: "fast",
 showOn: 'both',
 buttonImageOnly: true
                $('#frm input#valid_to').datepicker($.extend({},
$.datepicker.regional['de'], {
 dateFormat: 'm.d.yy',
 duration: "fast",
 showOn: 'both',
 buttonImageOnly: true



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