Bil Corry wrote on 9/9/2008 11:43 AM: 
> Google, on the other hand, doesn't use the Expires header, they instead
> use the Last-Modified header.  This means that instead of the browser
> just outright using the cached jQuery library, it first has to ask
> Google if the file has been modified for *every* page on your site that
> uses the jQuery library.  All of those unnecessary HTTP requests (one
> per page) add overhead and degrade performance.  So the irony here is
> that you will get BETTER performance for your users by hosting the
> jQuery library yourself and using the Expires header.

I revisited this and Google has switched to using the Expires header for the 
hosted JQuery library (and probably all the others as well).  Not sure who at 
Google made the change, but it's a huge improvement, thanks!

- Bil

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