You can make your own:

jQuery.fn.fadeToggle = function(speed, easing, callback) {
   return this.animate({opacity: 'toggle'}, speed, easing, callback);

Probably a little beyond you right now, but study it and check out the

HTH :)

On May 16, 9:50 am, Sobering <> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I'm building a site for the company I work at. I'm a pretty
> experienced web designer and coder (as far as standards compliant html/
> css goes), but I'm a complete noob to javascript & jQuery, but I'm
> trying.
> I found this snippet of code online:
> $(document).ready(function(){
>         $(".loginToggle").click(function(){
>                 $("#loginForm").slideToggle("slow");
>         });
> });
> Right now, as you can probably tell, when you click the link with the
> class .loginToggle it slides open the div with the ID #loginForm form
> which is set to display: none; by default. What I want it to do
> instead of sliding is fading in and out when the link is clicked.
> In the current code it says "slideToggle," so being the noob I am, I
> tried changing it to "fadeToggle" with no success. I'm pretty positive
> that this should be an easy solution.
> I'd highly appreciate any help you guys can give!
> Cheers, Sobering

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