A couple quick examples that might help (there're many more ways):

console.log( $('table tr:last').prev() );

var trow = $('table tr');
console.log( $(trow[trow.length-2]) );
console.log( trow.eq(trow.length-2) );

Modify the selectors as needed for multiple/nested tables.


On Jun 16, 10:46 am, theprodigy <tigerseyet...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been trying for a while to alter the second to last row of a
> table. I've tried several ways. The number of rows is dynamic so I
> can't hard code a number into nth-child. I used $rowNeeded =
> $thisRow.parents('table:first').children().children().length - 1 to
> get the second to last row, but it doesn't seem like I can pass this
> variable into nth-child either.
> How can I select the second to last row of a table?
> Thanks

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