In a GET request the length of the URL is also browser dependent. IE
has the shortest (at least as of IE7) at 2,083 characters with no more
than 2,048 in the path portion. A non-scientific 2006 test showed
Firefox to accept at least 100,000 characters, Safari at 80,000
characters, Opera at 190,000 characters.

Apache's limit at that time was about 4,000 characters before a 413
Entity too large error. IIS had a default limit of 16,384, but it's

Given the amount of text that could be entered into the FCK editor,
POST is really your only option unless you enforce a character limit.

On Jun 26, 3:07 am, "" <> wrote:
> Hi
> I am trying to send with getJSON a very long string as parameter:
> $.getJSON("/ajax.php",{id:myid, thetext:mytext},myAjaxResult)
> where "mytext" - is value from my fckeditor.
> If "mytext" value is not so long, everything is going fine, but if it
> become a very long, getJSON doesn't work.
> How can I solve this question?

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