
Try to

1) Copy the file tools.jar
2) Paste it in both C:\JDK\JRE\lib\ext and C:\Program

(adapt the exact path to your settings)

Le 10:15 02/09/99 +0100, O'Keeffe Patrick a écrit:
>I'm an ASP developer who's evaluating JSP as an alternative, but am
>stumbling at
>the first hurdle. I'm running NT4.0 Enterprise Server with JDK1.2.2. I've
>downloaded the JSWDK1.0 from Sun's web site, and tried to run the JavaServer
>('startserver' at a DOS prompt and/or double clicking on the batch file in
>Explorer). I always get the same error
>      The following class is required by JSWDK but was not found:
>My classpath includes (this is overkill, but I've tried all variations):
>      c:\jdk1.2.2\lib\tools.jar
>      c:\jdk1.2.2\bin
>      c:\jdk1.2.2\src
>The JSWDK documentation states that I only need the first of the above, but
>whatever I try (including several reboots), nothing seems to work.
>Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>Patrick O'Keeffe

| Luc Saint-Elie                                 |
| Development and marketing manager              |
| Pictoris   - Paris   - France                  |
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| email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]                    |
|  Java Server Side  Open Source technologies    |
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