At 09:22 PM 8/27/99 +0000, Scott Ferguson wrote:
>JSP 1.0 already allows other scripting languages.  That's what the
><%@ page language=javascript %> is for.  Resin (
>both Java
>and JavaScript as valid JSP 1.0 languages.

I may have missed it, but I don't see "javascript" defined as a value for
the "language" attribute.  I'm looking at section of the JSP1.1
spec.  There is some talk about other scripting languages being allowed,
and a discouraging disclaimer about how other values for "language" might
be defined in future specs.  That is, discouraging to vendors looking to
implement other languages now.  (Although perhaps the changes needed to
support some future syntax are pretty small compared to actually building
the scripting engine.  It doesn't seem to have discouraged your company :-)
 What I should have been trying to say is that I think it would be useful
for Sun to go ahead and define syntax and semantics for at least one
scripting language (and the most practical choice would probably be
JavaScript).  There's no need to wind up with a "Resin" flavor of
JavaScript support and a "JRun" flavor of JavaScript support.

Perhaps it's "easy and obvious" how JavaScript support should be defined.
In that case, Sun might as well go ahead and do it, instead of leaving it
to the vendors.  On the other hand, perhaps it is "difficult and complex"
to define JavaScript support.  In that case, Sun _should_ go ahead and do
it, as otherwise the vendor's implementations will probably diverge more
than in the "easy and obvious" case.

>Of course, the real trick in implementing a scripting language in Java is

The approach that Resin and JPython have taken - compiling to bytecode, and
letting the JVM worry about performance - seems pretty reasonable.

        Steve Odendahl
        Vunetix, Inc.

>Well, JavaSoft does have a vested interest in making Java the One True
>So you're probably right about the intent.  Nevertheless, the hooks are
there for
>scripting languages.
>Scott Ferguson
>Caucho Technology

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