Dave Navas asked:

A quick btw -- if someone can 'splain to me how this kind of tag:
    <setPageData>  <myCustomTag/>  </setPageData>
can capture its body, I'd sure appreciate it.  Maybe it's just the
engine I'm
using, but I'm not clear as to how that's accomplished.  It seems like
all I
have is a writer.  I can probably get the contents out of it, but how do
prevent the output from ending up on the page?

In the JSP 1.1 PR1, you (your tag handler) has to first indicate it is
interested in handling the body.  It does that by returning EVAL_BODY
from the doStartTag() method.  The JSP page implementation class will
then create a BodyJspWriter object and will pass it to the Tag class.
Then the methods doBeforeBody() will be evaluated; the BODY will be
evaluated into this new object, and finally doAfterBody() will be
evaluated [[in some cases the doBeforeBody() will be a noop]].  A
typical example will at this point take the BodyJspWriter (that got
passed in before) and extract from it whatever information it wants
(that is why it is a BodyJspWriter, not a plain JspWriter).  If you want
to reevaluate the body (say because something somewhere has changed),
just have doAfterBody() return EVAL_BODY; if not, make it return

Hope this helps.

    - eduard/o

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