Hi Alessandro,

While investigating the test suite failures under Turbogears, I bumped
into an issue which turned out to be caused by the recent changes to
routing in Kallithea, with the introduction of tgext.routes. Even
without a test suite it seems that some routes are not OK.

An example case can be reproduced easily:
- go to the web interface
- log in as an admin user
- go to Admin>Repository defaults
- leaving the settings, just click 'Save'.
- you will get a 404 Error

The form action is _admin/defaults/defaults and it is this URL that
seems to pose problems. In upstream Kallithea with Pylons, the form
works fine.

I did not investigate deeper myself yet; I'm busy with finding the
issues with the rest of the tests. So far it's been mostly issues with
initialization code.

If you have some time to spare, it would be great if you could have a
look; otherwise no problem and I will get to it later.

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