Hi Alessandro, all,

With the current state of the kallithea-tg repo, the test suite looks
quite good. There is a large number of failures due to a single root
cause: the PUT/DELETE requests not being allowed. I hope Søren can
have a look at that, after which many tests will succeed.

I'm now looking at the other tests. One specific failure is easy to
reproduce, either:

$ py.test kallithea/tests/functional/test_changelog.py

or interactively by launching kallithea with the test.ini:

$ paster serve kallithea/tests/test.ini
then browsing to one of either repos vce_test_hg/git and then to 'Changelog'.

This renders a 500 Server Error without traceback or further information.
I was able to zoom in on the problem with manual traces, and found it
is related to pagination. If I remove the pagination block from the
template (see patch below) then the Changelog page works fine (except
for pagination, of course).

diff --git a/kallithea/templates/changelog/changelog.html
--- a/kallithea/templates/changelog/changelog.html
+++ b/kallithea/templates/changelog/changelog.html
@@ -160,7 +160,6 @@

                 <div class="pagination-wh pagination-left">
-                    ${c.pagination.pager('$link_previous ~2~ $link_next')}

However, it is unclear to me how to proceed. What is the problem with
this pagination, why is it a problem under Turbogears2 and not under
Pylons? How to see more details about the failures?

Alessandro: if you have a clue or some suggestion for analysis, I'm all ears!

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