--- Comment #10 from Märt Bakhoff <> ---
I interrogated krunner with gdb and found some potentially useful information:

The query in the text field is overwritten here:

375 void View::query(const QString &term)
376 {
377     setVisible(true);
379     m_qmlObj->rootObject()->setProperty("runner", QString());
380     m_qmlObj->rootObject()->setProperty("query", term);
381 }

The query method is triggered by a QDBusActivateObjectEvent, which does a

The metacall seems to be sent from
240 org::kde::krunner::App krunner(interface, QStringLiteral("/App"),
241 krunner.query(text);

Debugging plasmashell shows that this snippet runs every time when krunner text
is overwritten and the argument text has size() == 1.

Another observation:
1) open konsole, focus it
2) type alt+f2, "d"
3) click on krunner text field to focus it
4) click on konsole to focus it (krunner doesn't close)
5) click on krunner text field to focus it
6) type "olphin" -> text field now contains "dolphin" as expected

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