14.07.2018, 21:32, "Cindy-Sue Causey" <butterflyby...@gmail.com>:

On 7/14/18, oz...@goosey.org <oz...@goosey.org> wrote:

 14.07.2018, 20:07, "Athul Joy" <aathuljjoy...@gmail.com>:
 Dear friends, I am new to the Linux kernel development.
 Can anyone help me how to start my journey in order to build my own


 if you want to build a your own kernel then the best way is to be use
 Google. Perhaps you can find thousands of kernel build documents and you can
 ask here if you have an build errors.

 So, it's very simple and I share for short information, the kernel is
 written in C code and all code is open source and all C based code can be
 compiled using the appropriated compiler. GCC is good compilers.

 Which distro you use?

 Downloaded to latest stable kernel to /usr/src directory.
 Un-compressed the linux kernel.
 Copy default .config file to directory.

 cp /boot/config-`uname -r`* .config

 Note: You may need to ncurses library.

 Run make menuconfig and check kernel parameters.

 Run make -j 4 and make modules and make modules_install and make install

 Please check to /boot directory:

 vmlinuz - this is a kernel
 System.map - this is a kernel symbols file
 initramfs - initrd image
 Config - Kernel config file

 Please read: https://kernelnewbies.org/KernelBuild

I (also) learned about "Linux From Scratch" (LFS) from KernelNewbies:


this page is good but why don't Gentoo in linux distributions? :(
LFS is a good places to prepare a new linux distribution and have fun as you talk about :)
And it may be LFS difficult to compile the kernel at first can easily compile the kernel on every hardware and understand to use modern and moduler OS.

I've been playing with computers since ~1994, but I have degenerating
cognitive issues that keep me functioning as a perpetual, capable
newbie. Linux From Scratch is written in such a way that I've been
able to follow along those times I've... remembered to stop and play
with it. I thank its author(s) for that! :)

You are a perfect and your view of life is very appreciated!

Cindy :)

Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs with duct tape *

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