On Fri, Jun 30, 2023 at 07:16:11AM +0530, Abhiram V wrote:
> Yeah, I did ask for help in the college itself. Unfortunately, no one has
> any experience with the kernel. They don't mind getting help from the
> community.
> It was for my final year project and the grades have already been assigned
> with whatever I have done so far. The work was accepted for a conference; I
> wanted to fix this issue before I present it there. I'll be sure to
> acknowledge the help I have got from here.
> The only part that isn't working is the removal of the RCT. I did try to
> get it to work on my own. But I got stuck and don't know what I'm doing
> wrong. So I came here for some help, to know what I'm doing wrong.

Best is to post your code to the netdev mailing list, they will be able
to help you there.  Without code it's very hard to discuss technical

good luck!

greg k-h

Kernelnewbies mailing list

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