On 5/18/23 20:46, Bruce A. Metcalf wrote:
On 5/18/23 21:35, Hector Gonzalez Jaime wrote:

What does sudo koha-plack --start instancename Do?

root@store:/usr/sbin# koha-plack --start library bash: koha-plack:
command not found

Which seems even more weird. Are the permissions wrong?

You are still missing /usr/sbin in your PATH variable.

That's been added.

It mighty not have been added permanently.  start-stop-daemon is at /sbin, which means that one is missing from your PATH.

to verify what is on your path, you can type:  echo $PATH

if it is missing any of the directorios, add it with: PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:$PATH, followed by export PATH

it might be part of .bashrc, but if you are editing root's one, you might want to check your regular user's .bashrc first.

The command would have run if you had typed:

/usr/sbin/koha-plack --start library

Let me try:

root@store:/usr/sbin# /usr/sbin/koha-plack --start library
/usr/share/koha/bin/koha-functions.sh: line 285: start-stop-daemon: command not found
[ ok ] Starting Plack daemon for library:.

Okay, a step forward, but a new challenge. (Been a lot of that in this project!)

Line 285 is:

if start-stop-daemon --pidfile "/var/run/koha/${instancename}/plack.pid" \

File /var/run/koha/library/plack.pid does exist. It contains a five-digit number only.

Okay, I'm stuck again!

Thanks again for all the help.

/ Bruce /
Bruce A. Metcalf, Librarian
The Augustan Library

your system seems to be in a strange situation, you might want to uninstall koha, remove all dependencies, and install it again:

apt-get remove koha-common     <- this does not affect your database
or configuration files. apt-get autoremove             <- this
deletes every dependency that is no longer needed, which should be a
ton of perl libraries. apt-get install koha-common      <- this
should reinstall koha, and every one of its dependencies.  If your
system has problems, this command would eventually fail.

If this last command fails, I'd like to see the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list file and every file at /etc/apt/sources.list.d

Regards, / Bruce / Bruce A. Metcalf, Librarian The Augustan
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