On Wed, 2007-09-12 at 15:19 -0500, Anthony Liguori wrote:
> Very cool!

Long-term itch of mine scratched :-)

> My mailer doesn't want to quote your patch, but I noticed the following:
> > +
> > +    /* set the default based on the keypress or menu */
> But the CMOS memory isn't persisted in QEMU.  Another nice patch 
> (although certainly not required IMHO for this to go in), would be to 
> make nvram optionally persistent for QEMU so these settings would 
> persist across boots.

Yeah, the lack of persistence is sort of a "feature" in this case.  If
you use the similar menus on most real hardware, they don't persist (you
have to go into the bios setup screens to make it persist).  That said,
if things were to persist, then we'd probably want to change the patch
to set something else which was looked at prior to the CMOS


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